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Labygema has a technical staff specialised in gathering samples of drinking water, inland water and wastewater. Our technicians receive specific training to ensure that the samples are collected, preserved and transported under suitable conditions to our facilities.


UNE-EN-ISO 17025

Our work system, based on the UNE-EN-ISO 17025 standard, ensures the traceability of the samples, from the moment they are taken until we know the test results.

We have qualified technicians geographically distributed to provide service to our customers at a national level.



Labygema gathers samples and ensures their preservation using a specialized equipment:

  • Automatic sampling equipment (refrigerated sampler)
  • Sampling poles and bailers
  • Temperature controlled refrigerators to transport samples
  • Loggers

Stream gauging is carried out in addition to the sample gathering, using flow meters with spillways.



Within the fieldwork measurements on-site under the UNE-EN-ISO 17025 standard are included:

  • pH
  • Conductivity
  • Dissolved oxygen
  • Temperature
  • Free, total and combined chlorine